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- // Card Players scripted by Mackey McCandlish.
- //
- // Before level waittill prespawn "exec global/cardgame.scr".
- //
- // Used in m1l2a, m2l2a, and m4l3.
- //
- // Create an animate_furniture_cardtable and give it targetname "cardgame".
- //
- // Create a clip brush that fits it, and then move it in on the x and y by about 4 units from each direction (basically
- // creating a mini table in the table because if the table was solid the AI would get stuck on it).
- //
- // Create either 2 or 3 AI and make the table target them all (give them all a random targetname and make the table use
- // that as its target).
- //
- // If you don't lower the hearing/sight of the AI, you'll have a hard time getting close enough to the card game to actually
- // see it.
- main:
- exec global/loadout.scr "maps/m5l3.scr"
- level waittill spawn
- if ($cardgame == NULL)
- level.cardgames = 0
- else
- level.cardgames = $cardgame.size
- if (level.cardgames > 0)
- {
- level.cardgame = exec global/makearray.scr $cardgame
- for (local.i=1;local.i<level.cardgames+1;local.i++)
- {
- if !(level.cardgame[local.i].target)
- exec global/error.scr ("Error, cardgame at " + level.cardgame[local.i].origin + " has no targets") 1
- else
- {
- local.sizer = $(level.cardgame[local.i].target).size
- if ((local.sizer != 2) && (local.sizer != 3))
- exec global/error.scr ("Error, cardgame at " + level.cardgame[local.i].origin + " does not have 2 or 3 targets") 1
- else
- if (local.sizer == 2)
- level.cardgame[local.i] thread cardgame2 local.i
- else
- if (local.sizer == 3)
- level.cardgame[local.i] thread cardgame3 local.i
- }
- }
- println ("Spawned " + level.cardgames + " cardgames")
- }
- for (local.i=1;local.i<$sit.size+1;local.i++)
- $sit[local.i] thread sitman
- end
- chairdeath:
- // local.chair = self.chair
- // local.rand = randomint (10)
- self waittill death
- if (self.fighting == 0)
- {
- self.chair delete
- local.chair = spawn script_model
- local.chair model "furniture/cardchair.tik"
- local.chair.origin = self.origin
- local.chair.angles = self.angles
- if (self.chairdeath == "chair_death_forwards")
- local.chair solid
- else
- local.chair notsolid
- waitframe
- println ("Chair is playing animation " + self.chairdeath)
- local.chair anim self.chairdeath
- wait 3
- local.chair anim (self.chairdeath + "_end")
- println ("Chair is playing animation " + (self.chairdeath + "_end"))
- waitframe
- }
- // wait 2
- end
- sitman:
- if !(self.target)
- {
- exec global/error.scr ("ERROR, sit at origin " + self.origin + " has no target") 1
- end
- }
- self.target.chair = self
- self.target thread sitthink
- self notsolid
- end
- sitthink:
- self.originalhealth = self.health
- self.health = 1
- self holster
- self.origin = self.chair.origin
- self.angles = self.chair.angles
- self anim chair_radio_listenidle
- if (randomint (100) > 50)
- self.chairdeath = "chair_death_forwards"
- else
- self.chairdeath = "chair_death_backwards"
- self.fighting = 0
- self thread chairdeath
- self exec global/setdeathanim.scr self.chairdeath
- while (self.thinkstate == "idle")
- waitframe
- if (isalive self)
- {
- self lookat $player
- self exec global/disable_ai.scr
- self anim chair_alert_stand
- self.chair anim chair_alert_stand
- self unholster
- wait 0.5
- // self waittill animdone
- if (isalive self)
- {
- self.fighting = 1
- self exec global/enable_ai.scr
- self.health = self.originalhealth
- self exec global/setdeathanim.scr NIL
- self runto $player
- wait 1
- self.chair anim chair_alert_stand_end
- }
- }
- end
- cabinettrigger:
- level waittill spawn
- self waittill trigger
- while ($player istouching self)
- waitframe
- for (local.i=1;local.i<level.cabinets+1;local.i++)
- if ((level.cabinet[local.i].set == self.set) && (isalive level.cabinet[local.i]))
- thread cabinetgo local.i
- end
- cardgame2 local.set:
- self.set = local.set
- self notsolid
- // self solid
- self.current = 1
- level.carddone[local.set] = 0
- for (local.i=1;local.i<3;local.i++)
- {
- local.card[local.i] = $(self.target)[local.i]
- local.card[local.i] type_disguise "none"
- local.o = self gettagposition ("tag_actor0" + local.i)
- local.a = self gettagangles ("tag_actor0" + local.i)
- local.card[local.i].mumble = 0
- local.card[local.i] holster
- local.card[local.i].no_idle = 1
- // local.card[local.i].sight = 300
- // local.card[local.i].hearing = 300
- local.card[local.i].origin = local.o
- local.card[local.i].angles = local.a
- local.card[local.i].creator = self
- // local.card[local.i] nodamage
- local.card[local.i].originalhealth = local.card[local.i].health
- local.card[local.i].health = 2
- local.card[local.i].noticescale = 1
- // local.card[local.i] exec global/disable_ai.scr
- // local.card[local.i].painhandler = anim/pain.scr::
- local.card[local.i] thread checkresponse
- if (randomint (100) > 50)
- local.card[local.i].chairdeath = "chair_death_forwards"
- else
- local.card[local.i].chairdeath = "chair_death_backwards"
- local.card[local.i] exec global/setdeathanim.scr local.card[local.i].chairdeath
- local.card[local.i] thread cardgame2anim local.i
- local.card[local.i].chairthread = parm.previousthread
- local.chair[local.i] = spawn script_model
- local.chair[local.i] model "furniture/cardchair.tik"
- local.chair[local.i].origin = local.o
- local.chair[local.i].angles = local.a
- local.chair[local.i] notsolid
- local.card[local.i].chair = local.chair[local.i]
- local.card[local.i].fighting = 0
- local.card[local.i] thread chairdeath
- }
- while (1)
- {
- for (local.current = 1;local.current<8;local.current++)
- {
- level.carddone[local.set] = 0
- self.current = local.current
- local.time = level.time + 3000
- while ((level.carddone[local.set] == 0) && (level.time < local.time))
- waitframe
- }
- }
- end
- /*
- cardgame2:
- for (local.i=1;local.i<3;local.i++)
- {
- local.card[local.i] = $(self.target)[local.i]
- local.card[local.i].sight = 500
- local.card[local.i].hearing = 50
- local.card[local.i].origin = self gettagposition ("tag_actor0" + local.i)
- local.card[local.i].angles = self gettagangles ("tag_actor0" + local.i)
- local.chair[local.i] = spawn script_model
- local.chair[local.i] model "furniture/cardchair.tik"
- local.chair[local.i].origin = self gettagposition ("tag_actor0" + local.i)
- local.chair[local.i].angles = self gettagangles ("tag_actor0" + local.i)
- }
- end
- */
- cardgame3 local.set:
- self.set = local.set
- self notsolid
- // self solid
- self.current = 1
- level.carddone[local.set] = 0
- for (local.i=1;local.i<4;local.i++)
- {
- local.card[local.i] = $(self.target)[local.i]
- local.card[local.i] type_disguise "none"
- local.o = self gettagposition ("tag_actor0" + local.i)
- local.a = self gettagangles ("tag_actor0" + local.i)
- local.card[local.i].mumble = 0
- local.card[local.i] holster
- local.card[local.i].no_idle = 1
- // local.card[local.i].sight = 300
- // local.card[local.i].hearing = 300
- local.card[local.i].origin = local.o
- local.card[local.i].angles = local.a
- local.card[local.i].creator = self
- // local.card[local.i] nodamage
- local.card[local.i].originalhealth = local.card[local.i].health
- local.card[local.i].health = 2
- local.card[local.i].noticescale = 1
- // local.card[local.i] exec global/disable_ai.scr
- // local.card[local.i].painhandler = anim/pain.scr::
- local.card[local.i] thread checkresponse
- if (randomint (100) > 50)
- local.card[local.i].chairdeath = "chair_death_forwards"
- else
- local.card[local.i].chairdeath = "chair_death_backwards"
- local.card[local.i] exec global/setdeathanim.scr local.card[local.i].chairdeath
- local.card[local.i] thread cardgame3anim local.i
- local.card[local.i].chairthread = parm.previousthread
- local.chair[local.i] = spawn script_model
- local.chair[local.i] model "furniture/cardchair.tik"
- local.chair[local.i].origin = local.o
- local.chair[local.i].angles = local.a
- local.chair[local.i] notsolid
- local.card[local.i].chair = local.chair[local.i]
- local.card[local.i].fighting = 0
- local.card[local.i] thread chairdeath
- }
- while (1)
- {
- for (local.current = 1;local.current<15;local.current++)
- {
- level.carddone[local.set] = 0
- self.current = local.current
- local.time = level.time + 3000
- while ((level.carddone[local.set] == 0) && (level.time < local.time))
- waitframe
- }
- }
- end
- cardgame2anim local.num:
- local.current = 0
- if (local.num == 1)
- while (1)
- {
- if (self.creator.current == local.current)
- {
- self anim ("Chair_actor1_idleloop")
- self waittill animdone
- }
- else
- {
- local.current = self.creator.current
- if (self.creator.current == 1)
- {
- self anim ("Chair_actor1_queen")
- self waittill animdone
- level.carddone[self.creator.set] = 1
- }
- else
- if (self.creator.current == 2)
- {
- self anim ("Chair_actor1_idleloop")
- self waittill animdone
- }
- else
- if (self.creator.current == 3)
- {
- self anim ("Chair_actor1_drawcard")
- self waittill animdone
- level.carddone[self.creator.set] = 1
- }
- else
- if (self.creator.current == 4)
- {
- self anim ("Chair_actor1_idleloop")
- self waittill animdone
- }
- else
- if (self.creator.current == 5)
- {
- self anim ("Chair_actor1_fish")
- self waittill animdone
- level.carddone[self.creator.set] = 1
- }
- else
- if (self.creator.current == 6)
- {
- self anim ("Chair_actor1_idleloop")
- self waittill animdone
- }
- else
- if (self.creator.current == 7)
- {
- self anim ("Chair_actor1_idleloop")
- self waittill animdone
- }
- }
- }
- else
- if (local.num == 2)
- while (1)
- {
- if (self.creator.current == local.current)
- {
- self anim ("Chair_actor2_idleloop")
- self waittill animdone
- }
- else
- {
- local.current = self.creator.current
- if (self.creator.current == 1)
- {
- self anim ("Chair_actor2_idleloop")
- self waittill animdone
- }
- else
- if (self.creator.current == 2)
- {
- self anim ("Chair_actor2_fish")
- self waittill animdone
- level.carddone[self.creator.set] = 1
- }
- else
- if (self.creator.current == 3)
- {
- self anim ("Chair_actor2_idleloop")
- self waittill animdone
- }
- else
- if (self.creator.current == 4)
- {
- self anim ("Chair_actor2_king")
- self waittill animdone
- level.carddone[self.creator.set] = 1
- }
- else
- if (self.creator.current == 5)
- {
- self anim ("Chair_actor2_idleloop")
- self waittill animdone
- }
- else
- if (self.creator.current == 6)
- {
- self anim ("Chair_actor2_drawcard")
- self waittill animdone
- level.carddone[self.creator.set] = 1
- }
- else
- if (self.creator.current == 7)
- {
- self anim ("Chair_actor2_idleloop")
- self waittill animdone
- level.carddone[self.creator.set] = 1
- }
- }
- }
- end
- cardgame3anim local.num:
- local.current = 0
- if (local.num == 1)
- while (1)
- {
- if (self.creator.current == local.current)
- {
- self anim ("Chair_actor1_idleloop")
- self waittill animdone
- }
- else
- {
- local.current = self.creator.current
- if (self.creator.current == 1)
- {
- self anim ("Chair_actor1_idleloop")
- self waittill animdone
- }
- else
- if (self.creator.current == 2)
- {
- self anim ("Chair_actor1_fish")
- self waittill animdone
- level.carddone[self.creator.set] = 1
- }
- else
- if (self.creator.current == 3)
- {
- self anim ("Chair_actor1_idleloop")
- self waittill animdone
- }
- else
- if (self.creator.current == 4)
- {
- self anim ("Chair_actor1_queen")
- self waittill animdone
- level.carddone[self.creator.set] = 1
- }
- else
- if (self.creator.current == 5)
- {
- self anim ("Chair_actor1_idleloop")
- self waittill animdone
- }
- else
- if (self.creator.current == 6)
- {
- self anim ("Chair_actor1_drawcard")
- self waittill animdone
- level.carddone[self.creator.set] = 1
- }
- else
- if (self.creator.current == 7)
- {
- self anim ("Chair_actor1_idleloop")
- self waittill animdone
- }
- else
- if (self.creator.current == 8)
- {
- self anim ("Chair_actor1_fish")
- self waittill animdone
- level.carddone[self.creator.set] = 1
- }
- else
- if (self.creator.current == 9)
- {
- self anim ("Chair_actor1_idleloop")
- self waittill animdone
- }
- else
- if (self.creator.current == 10)
- {
- self anim ("Chair_actor1_idleloop")
- self waittill animdone
- level.carddone[self.creator.set] = 1
- }
- else
- if (self.creator.current == 11)
- {
- self anim ("Chair_actor1_idleloop")
- self waittill animdone
- }
- else
- if (self.creator.current == 12)
- {
- self anim ("Chair_actor1_fish")
- self waittill animdone
- level.carddone[self.creator.set] = 1
- }
- else
- if (self.creator.current == 13)
- {
- self anim ("Chair_actor1_idleloop")
- self waittill animdone
- }
- else
- if (self.creator.current == 14)
- {
- self anim ("Chair_actor1_idleloop")
- self waittill animdone
- }
- }
- }
- else
- if (local.num == 2)
- while (1)
- {
- if (self.creator.current == local.current)
- {
- self anim ("Chair_actor2_idleloop")
- self waittill animdone
- }
- else
- {
- local.current = self.creator.current
- if (self.creator.current == 1)
- {
- self anim ("Chair_actor2_king")
- self waittill animdone
- level.carddone[self.creator.set] = 1
- }
- else
- if (self.creator.current == 2)
- {
- self anim ("Chair_actor2_idleloop")
- self waittill animdone
- }
- else
- if (self.creator.current == 3)
- {
- self anim ("Chair_actor2_drawcard")
- self waittill animdone
- level.carddone[self.creator.set] = 1
- }
- else
- if (self.creator.current == 4)
- {
- self anim ("Chair_actor2_idleloop")
- self waittill animdone
- }
- else
- if (self.creator.current == 5)
- {
- self anim ("Chair_actor2_fish")
- self waittill animdone
- level.carddone[self.creator.set] = 1
- }
- else
- if (self.creator.current == 6)
- {
- self anim ("Chair_actor2_idleloop")
- self waittill animdone
- }
- else
- if (self.creator.current == 7)
- {
- self anim ("Chair_actor2_king")
- self waittill animdone
- level.carddone[self.creator.set] = 1
- }
- else
- if (self.creator.current == 8)
- {
- self anim ("Chair_actor2_idleloop")
- self waittill animdone
- }
- else
- if (self.creator.current == 9)
- {
- self anim ("Chair_actor2_drawcard")
- self waittill animdone
- level.carddone[self.creator.set] = 1
- }
- else
- if (self.creator.current == 10)
- {
- self anim ("Chair_actor2_idleloop")
- self waittill animdone
- }
- else
- if (self.creator.current == 11)
- {
- self anim ("Chair_actor2_idleloop")
- self waittill animdone
- }
- else
- if (self.creator.current == 12)
- {
- self anim ("Chair_actor2_idleloop")
- self waittill animdone
- }
- else
- if (self.creator.current == 13)
- {
- self anim ("Chair_actor2_idleloop")
- self waittill animdone
- }
- else
- if (self.creator.current == 14)
- {
- self anim ("Chair_actor2_idleloop")
- self waittill animdone
- }
- }
- }
- else
- if (local.num == 3)
- while (1)
- {
- if (self.creator.current == local.current)
- {
- self anim ("Chair_actor2_idleloop")
- self waittill animdone
- }
- else
- {
- local.current = self.creator.current
- if (self.creator.current == 1)
- {
- self anim ("Chair_actor2_idleloop")
- self waittill animdone
- }
- else
- if (self.creator.current == 2)
- {
- self anim ("Chair_actor2_idleloop")
- self waittill animdone
- }
- else
- if (self.creator.current == 3)
- {
- self anim ("Chair_actor2_idleloop")
- self waittill animdone
- }
- else
- if (self.creator.current == 4)
- {
- self anim ("Chair_actor2_idleloop")
- self waittill animdone
- }
- else
- if (self.creator.current == 5)
- {
- self anim ("Chair_actor2_idleloop")
- self waittill animdone
- }
- else
- if (self.creator.current == 6)
- {
- self anim ("Chair_actor2_idleloop")
- self waittill animdone
- }
- else
- if (self.creator.current == 7)
- {
- self anim ("Chair_actor2_idleloop")
- self waittill animdone
- }
- else
- if (self.creator.current == 8)
- {
- self anim ("Chair_actor2_idleloop")
- self waittill animdone
- }
- else
- if (self.creator.current == 9)
- {
- self anim ("Chair_actor2_idleloop")
- self waittill animdone
- }
- else
- if (self.creator.current == 10)
- {
- self anim ("Chair_actor2_idleloop")
- self waittill animdone
- }
- else
- if (self.creator.current == 11)
- {
- self anim ("Chair_actor2_king")
- self waittill animdone
- level.carddone[self.creator.set] = 1
- }
- else
- if (self.creator.current == 12)
- {
- self anim ("Chair_actor2_idleloop")
- self waittill animdone
- }
- else
- if (self.creator.current == 13)
- {
- self anim ("Chair_actor2_drawcard")
- self waittill animdone
- level.carddone[self.creator.set] = 1
- }
- else
- if (self.creator.current == 14)
- {
- self anim ("Chair_actor2_idleloop")
- self waittill animdone
- level.carddone[self.creator.set] = 1
- }
- }
- }
- end
- printtest local.saythis:
- if (level.printtest == NIL)
- level.printtest = 1
- if (local.saythis != NIL)
- print (":::" + local.saythis + " ")
- level.printtest++
- end
- broken:
- wait randomfloat(1.5)
- self.creator.broken = 1
- end
- checkresponse:
- self.nosurprise = 1
- self.noticescale = 1
- self.creator.broken = 0
- while ((self.thinkstate == "idle") && (self.creator.broken == 0))
- waitframe
- thread broken
- // if (self.thinkstate == "attack")
- {
- self lookat $player
- self exec global/disable_ai.scr
- self.chairthread delete
- self anim chair_alert_stand
- if (self.chair)
- self.chair anim chair_alert_stand
- self unholster
- wait 0.5
- // self waittill animdone
- if (isalive self)
- {
- self unholster
- self exec global/enable_ai.scr
- self.health = self.originalhealth
- self exec global/setdeathanim.scr NIL
- wait 0.1
- self.fighting = 1
- // self runto $player
- for (local.i=0;local.i<6;local.i++)
- {
- if (isalive self)
- {
- self unholster
- wait 1
- }
- }
- wait 1
- self.chair anim chair_alert_stand_end
- }
- }
- end
- // else
- // if (self.thinkstate == "curious")
- {
- self lookat $player
- self exec global/disable_ai.scr
- self.chairthread delete
- self anim chair_curious_stand
- self.chair anim chair_curious_stand
- self unholster
- wait 0.8
- // self waittill animdone
- if (isalive self)
- {
- self exec global/enable_ai.scr
- self.health = self.originalhealth
- self exec global/setdeathanim.scr NIL
- // self runto $player
- }
- }
- end